- The Challenge
- Prizes
- Winners
- Judge Favorites
- Challenge Deadline
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The votes are in! Like all of our challenges, this challenge included many incredible entries. Be sure to check them all out – download and print your favorite ones from Thangs.com!
Special thanks to everyone who participated. We look forward to seeing your creative ideas in the next one! The September 2021 3D Modeling challenge will be posted soon!
1. Grand Prize – Motivational Phone Holder

This idea came to me when I was working on a project and realized I was distracted by my phone and couldn’t get any work done. So I created this little desk device as a solution to my problem!
This phone holder uses rack and pinion gears as the mechanism for the flipping and extension springs for it to return to normal.
This has helped me to keep my phone distractions to a minimum and hopefully it works for you too!
Here is a video of it working: https://youtu.be/44wTEteKXZM
Link to the instructions: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NkomJuYBcpDv6sNi0wgLBlRD7DlKTLYx?usp=sharing
2nd Place – The PenSword! A “sword in the Stone” Pen Stand

The Pen is mightier than the Sword, but in this case, you can have both! Sign those important papers with this one of a kind PenSword in the Stone Stand, just print the Stone and Sword Hilt and use a regular BIC pen, or you can scale it to fit a fancier pen if you wish.
3rd Place – Rhi-note

4th Place – Post-it note desk spinner

A spinning post-it note and pencil and pen holder.
My husband organises his thoughts using different coloured post-it notes so I designed this handy desktop holder to help keep the notes and pens tidy for him.
There are two versions one to hold 3 sets of notes, the other to hold 4.
See it in action here: https://vimeo.com/587390994
5th Place – Little King Rescue

My inspiration for this challenge is my nephew who is online studying and spends most of his time in front of the computer. I hope that this pencil holder reminds him to rest his eyes and have some fun.
6th Place – Changeable Calendar STL

As a student, knowing when to submit your homework before the due date and when the exam is are so important. Therefore, a calendar is necessary for a student. However, I do not want to buy the calendar every year so I invented this changeable calendar. You can use it for good!
7th Place – Brush Dragon (Draggin’)

How about art school?
Here’s a 3D printable design for artists that will save the bristles on those expensive art brushes by keeping them from draggin’ in the cleaning solution.The “Brush Dragon” will protect your paint brush bristles during cleaning by suspending the brushes just above the bottom of a Mason jar. The Brush Dragon is a 3D printable mason jar lid with multi-slotted fingers that can hold up to 5 paintbrushes at one time. Fits large mouth Mason jars.
There were so many incredible entries to this challenge. Our judges had a hard time choosing winners, so we decided to share some of the “runner-ups” and favorites (in no particular order). Reminder: all models are free to download and print from Thangs.com
Theme: Summer is coming to an end… and that means back to school! It’s typically a time to start looking for school supplies, but that doesn’t mean you have to buy everything! For this challenge, we’re seeking your creative ideas to #DIY it by 3D printing school and/or office supplies.
Here are some ideas to get you kickin’ – pencil cases/holders, paper clips, paper tray, book holders, locker storage, headphone holder.
Criteria: Entries will be voted on by their creativity, uniqueness, ability to solve a problem, and the story behind them.
*your entry does not need to be 3D printed but should consider the limitations of various 3D printing methods and materials.

- Grand prize: 1 unit of Flashforge Adventurer 3 + 8 rolls of 0.5kg 1.75mm PLA filament + $200 Amazon Gift Card* + Autodesk Fusion 360 T-Shirt & Hat**
- 2nd place: $100 Amazon gift card* + Choice of Autodesk Fusion 360 T-Shirt or Hat**
- 3rd place: $75 Amazon gift card* + Choice of Autodesk Fusion 360 T-Shirt or Hat**
- 4th place: $50 Amazon gift card*
- 5th place: $50 Amazon gift card*
- 6th place: $25 Amazon gift card*
- 7th place: $25 Amazon gift card*
Everyone: All Thangs users who enter are eligible for a 10% coupon at FlashforgeShop.com. A coupon code will be sent out when winners are announced on September 10, 2021.
Special thanks to the wonderful folks at Thangs.com and Flashforge 3D Printers for sponsoring this challenge and providing the prizes!
*an equivalent and equal prize will be rewarded to the winner(s) if Amazon is not available in your area
**T-shirt and hat are available to ship only to U.S. Residents. Non-US Residents are still eligible for the Amazon gift card or equal prize.
- Submissions – accepted until Friday, September 3rd, 2021 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
- Winners – announced Friday, September 10th, 2021 on this page and Thangs social media.
- Create an original 3D Model that is back to school and/or office supplies related – be creative and solve a problem/invent something new!
- No limit to the number of entries per contestant
- Submit Entry – upload your 3D designs to Thangs.com including the hashtag #DIY in the model’s description
- Note: put the hashtag in the description and NOT the title of the model
- Include 2-3 sentences explaining your design
- The more detail included in the story, the more the judges will understand your idea!

Sharing your designs on social media?
Use the hashtags #flashforge and #thangs3d and we’ll share them with the community!

Use hashtag #flashforge and #thangs3d
Entries will be judged on quality, creativity, adherence to the challenge theme, and suitability for 3D printing.
- Kevin Kennedy from Product Design Online
- Thangs.com team members
- Fusion 360 team members
Winners will be announced the following Friday, September 10th, 2021 on this page and Thangs social media.
Join the PDO community and post your questions, comments, share progress, and more.
Who is the challenge for?
The challenge is open to everyone with access to 3D modeling software – it doesn’t have to be Fusion 360. You are welcome to share the challenge with your School, Makerspace, or other organization. Make it a friendly competition and challenge your friend!
Where can I ask for help?
Join the PDO community and post your questions, comments, share progress, and more. Ask your questions, share progress, bounce ideas around, or simply stop by and say hello!
Does it cost anything to enter?
Nope! You can use free modeling software, including Fusion 360. Solutions are uploaded to Thangs.com, which is also completely free. No payment is required to be eligible to win the prizes.
Where do I submit my design?
All submissions should be uploaded to Thangs.com with hashtag #DIY in the model’s description. This is required so the Jury can see all the submissions.
How much time do I need to allocate for the challenge?
Spend 15 minutes or several hours – This is up to you! You can submit one small project, multiple projects, or one time-intensive project.
Are there prizes to be won?
Yes! These are the following prizes:
- Grand prize: 1 unit of Flashforge Adventurer 3 + 8 rolls of 0.5kg 1.75mm PLA filament + $200 Amazon Gift Card* + Autodesk Fusion 360 T-Shirt & Hat**
- 2nd place: $100 Amazon gift card* + 10% OFF coupon code on flashforgeshop.com + Choice of Autodesk Fusion 360 T-Shirt or Hat**
- 3rd place: $75 Amazon gift card* + Choice of Autodesk Fusion 360 T-Shirt or Hat**
- 4th place: $50 Amazon gift card*
- 5th place: $50 Amazon gift card*
- 6th place: $25 Amazon gift card*
- 7th place: $25 Amazon gift card*
Special thanks to the wonderful folks at Thangs.com and Flashforge 3D Printers for sponsoring this challenge and providing the prizes!
*an equivalent and equal prize will be rewarded to the winner(s) if Amazon is not available in your area
**T-shirt and hat are available to ship only to U.S. Residents. Non-US Residents are still eligible for the Amazon gift card or equal prize.
Do I need a 3D printer?
You’re encouraged to 3D print your design and share photos with your submission and with the community, but 3D printing your design is not required to win.
- No purchase necessary.
- By entering this competition, entrants will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to the conditions.
- No stealing or ripping of models available on the Internet, all entries must be original works created by the entrant.
- The judges’ decisions are 100% final. In case of dispute, no correspondence will be entered into.
- Winning entries (models) will be documented and may be used for promotional purposes on social media.
- Contestant’s models must be uploaded to Thangs.com and tagged #DIY in the model description to be considered as an entry.
- The contest and prizes are not open to Physna/Thangs employees or their families.
- Winners retain all Intellectual Property as per Thangs’ Terms and Conditions.
- The winners will be contacted by Friday, September 10th, 2021.
- The prize is not sponsored by Amazon or any Amazon subsidiaries.
- Promoter: Thangs, 30 W. 30 Street, Floor 5, Cincinnati, OH 45202