Enters Mesh mode and inserts a mesh feature into the timeline. Use Mesh tools to modify and repair mesh geometry.
Select Finish Mesh to exit out of the mode.[Read more...] about Create Mesh
Create Base Feature
Enters direct editing mode and inserts a history-free feature in the timeline. Actions performed while in the Base Feature are not recorded in the timeline.
Select Finish Base Feature to exit out of the mode.[Read more...] about Create Base Feature
Create Form
Enters Form mode and inserts a form feature into the timeline. Use form tools to create and edit history-free bodies by pushing and pulling on vertices, edges, and faces. This is commonly referred to as T-Spline modeling.
Select Finish Form to exit out of the mode.[Read more...] about Create Form
Boundary Fill
Creates, joins, or removes volumes using bounding volumes formed by tool selections.
Select solids, surfaces or workplanes as tools to form volumes (or cells). These cells can be used to cut existing solids or to join to existing solids or to create a new solid.[Read more...] about Boundary Fill
Adds thickness to surface faces to make a solid.
Select the faces to thicken then specify a thickness value.[Read more...] about Thicken
Makes a mirrored copy of selected faces, features, bodies, or components at equal distances across a plane.
Select the objects to mirror then the plane to mirror around.[Read more...] about Mirror