Edward’s formal training and time as a Graphic Designer left him eager to dive into the world of 3-dimensions. Leveraging the power of Fusion 360, he has found new success with the intuitive user interface, flexible workspaces, and PDO learning resources.
You may remember Edward as the winner of PDO’s first 3D modeling (#tidydesk) challenge, where he entered a modular 3D printable locker.
Most people feel overwhelmed when learning Fusion 360. There is a lot to learn, and it takes dedication. Edward found quick success with Product Design Online tutorials and by taking it one step at a time.

Check out our full interview with Edward below to hear his advice to those looking to get started with Fusion 360 and product development.
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Edward Rodriguez
Owner of ERZ Designs and creator of Tidal Cube.
Edward is a Product Designer who recently launched the Tidal Cube interlocking fidget puzzle. The fun and unique Fidget Puzzle is made from renewable natural resources and helps to promote mental wellness and concentration.
- What led you to learn Fusion 360? Can you give some insight into your background/story?
I come from a background in graphic design. After doing graphic design for a few years, I wanted to expand my skillset and learn 3D modeling. This led me to discover the Industrial Design field where art meets engineering. Since then, I’ve pursued a path in Product Design where I can express my creative design in physical 3D products.
- Before learning Fusion 360, did you have any experience with other CAD/3D Modeling packages? If yes, which software package(s)?
Yes, the first CAD package I learned was SolidWorks. Moving over to Fusion 360 was fairly seamless due to the intuitive UI and similar tool operations.

- How/where did you discover Product Design Online (PDO)? Are there any things that make PDO tutorials/courses unique over others?
Youtube. I needed help with a project I was working on in Fusion 360 and was instantly engaged with the tutorials. PDO offers tutorials that are easy to follow and also provides tips that are extremely useful.
- What is your favorite PDO tutorial/course and why?
I really enjoy PDO courses that explain other ways to utilize Fusion 360 such as laser cutting templates, vacuum forming molds, CNC router setups, sheet metal making, and more. It’s amazing how powerful the software is outside of just 3D printing. And it definitely makes me want a CNC, ha!
- What advice would you give someone else looking to learn Fusion 360? What challenges did you face and how did you solve them/learn to get past them?
My best advice for learning Fusion 360 is to pick a project to work on. Many times, beginners will start watching ‘beginner’s guides’ on Youtube. While this is great for a mass information dump, you are often left overwhelmed with more information than what’s needed. By focusing on an objective, you can learn features one at a time, and slowly build up your skillset. As I watch PDO videos, I’m not looking to replicate the exact project being demonstrated. Rather, I’m learning the steps and tools used to create specific features and aspects I might want to replicate for my own projects on Fusion.
Roadblocks happen in CAD. It’s easy to get frustrated but remember that there are often multiple solutions to a problem. If you are having trouble with a project, take a step back and think about how else you can solve it. Oftentimes, there’s another solution that will work better. And remember, sometimes walking away is the best solution. Coming back to a problem with fresh eyes can work miracles!
- With your new Fusion 360 (and related skills), what sort of projects do you work on?
I like working on product design. Whether it’s conceptual, functional, or just art. I love the journey of taking an idea from my head, into Fusion 360, and then out into the real world.
Currently, I’m working on my very first product, Tidal Cube. It’s an interlocking fidget puzzle that helps focus and relieve stress. Tidal Cube was created out of necessity as I would find myself getting distracted during college coursework. It’s made for creatives and thinkers alike, Tidal Cube can serve as a coffee table trinket or Everyday Carry. This project has taught me even more about working with manufacturers and getting a product to market.

- What is your outlook on Fusion 360? Do you intend to use it for a long time?
Fusion 360 is a great tool for makers and professional Engineers. I always recommend Fusion 360 to friends who want to learn CAD. With every update, I invest more time into mastering Fusion 360 – I will definitely be using it for a long time.
- What inspires you to keep making ‘things’ and learning new skills (such as Fusion 360, CNC, etc)?
- My passion for creation – I love product design because it allows me to express my thoughts and ideas in a visual and physical way.
- My curiosity for learning – It amazes me how much knowledge is in the world. Every time I learn a new skill, it expands my tool belt and my ability to create more things.
- My desire for a challenge – I’m always up for a challenge. Usually, I become more attached to a project when it’s particularly out of my comfort zone. It forces me to grow and keep learning.
You’ll see how my inspirations ‘inspire’ each other in a cycle:
Desire for challenge → learning required → creation made → desire for a new challenge.
- Is there anything else you would like to share with those looking to learn Fusion 360?
- Taking the first step is often the most difficult. For me, that means sitting down in front of the computer and firing up the software. If you’re able to push yourself to that point – the rest is easy.
- Don’t worry about learning everything at once. Like everything in life, you need to take it one step at a time. You’ll be surprised how easily a problem is once you break it down into its core components.
- Have fun! Remember this should be a positive experience. Projects may get stressful or frustrating at times, but ultimately be fulfilling. If you’re not having fun doing it – stop or take a break.
Thank you to PDO for allowing me this great opportunity and spotlight. I greatly appreciate the work Kevin puts into his Youtube channel and the growth of the Product Design community as a whole. He is making a very great impact.
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