Opens the material browser. Manage materials the Fusion 360 material library. Upload or alter existing materials.[Read more...] about Manage Materials
Change Parameters
Displays the Parameters dialog box.
Edit the name, expression, and comments for parameters. Create User Parameters to use in other expressions.[Read more...] about Change Parameters
Compute All
(keyboard shortcut “CMD + B”) Computes all parameters in the design.[Read more...] about Compute All
Deletes the selected entity from the design.
Select components, bodies, sketches, and construction entities to remove.[Read more...] about Delete
(keyboard shortcut “A”) The appearance affects the color of the bodies, components, and faces. Appearances override the color assigned from the physical material. Appearances do not affect engineering properties.
Drag the appearance from the dialog to the body, component, or face.[Read more...] about Appearance
Physical Material
Physical materials affect the color and engineering properties of bodies and components.
Drag the physical material from the dialog to the body or component.[Read more...] about Physical Material