Build your Fusion 360 skills, one week at a time. Accept a new challenge every Monday to learn and practice Fusion 360.
Be sure to share the weekly challenge with fellow Fusion 360 enthusiasts.
To participate all you have to do is pick one or more of the challenges below and begin modeling. Then, share your solution in the Fusion 360 Hobbyists (with Kevin Kennedy) Facebook Group.
Challenge Overview
Create a muffin panShifts the view without changing the viewing direction or magnification. or cake pan using the Patch Workspace and/or the Sheet Metal WorkspaceCreates sheet metal designs. Use these commands to set rules, create sheet metal bodies, and produce manufacturing data.. SelectThe selection mode controls how objects are select when you drag in the canvas. your experience level below.
Challenge A (Beginner)
The beginner challenge is meant for people with less than 6 months of Fusion 360 experience. Practice surface modeling by using the Patch Workspace to create a simple cake pan based on the following drawing.
Cake Pan Sample File
Challenge B (Moderate)
Create your own unique muffin pan that has at least 12 muffin spots. Consider creating a pan that has different shapes (hearts, star, etc). Think about the overall shape of the pan and consider how the user handles the pan when taking it out of the oven.
Challenge C (Advanced)
Create a Bundt Cake Pan that has a complex design. Be sure to consider the overall shape of the design, ensuring that the cake can be released when the pan is flipped over.
Once your model is completed, render the pan in the Render WorkspaceGenerates realistic renderings of the design. Apply materials, scenery, and lighting.. Think of how a pan is sold in stores. What composition highlights the unique design of the pan?
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